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11. Гантман В.И.  Современные буржуазные теории международных отношений. Москва, 1976.

12.              Гантман В.И. Международные конфликты современности

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13,              Гвишиани Д.М.   Методологические   проблемы   моделирова

ния глобального развития. Москва. 1977.

14. Геловани В.А., Пионтковский А.Л. СОИ и проблема баланса стратегических сил СССР США, Моделирование процессов мирового развития и сотрудничества. Москва. 1991,

Гермейер Ю.Б. Образование целей в задачах с векторным

критерием//Изд. Л.Н  СССР. Техн.  Кибернетика.   1976.

№ 4.

Гермейер Ю.Б. Введение в теорию исследования операций.

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11. Грачев Г. Информационно-психологическая безопасность личности: состояние и возможности психологической защиты. Москва, 1998.

18. Дружинин В.В., Конторов Д.С.. Канторов М.Д. Введение в теорию конфликта. Москва, 1989.

19..Дружинин В.В., Конторов Д.С. Проблемы системологии. Москва, 1976.

Дугин А. Основы геополитики. Москва, 1.997.

Егоров   С.Л.   Вооруженные   конфликты   и   международное

право. Москва, 1999.

Закажурников С.Ю. Методика анализа межгосударственно

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Здравомыслов Л.Г. Социология конфликта. Москва, 1995.

Информационные системы по мировой экономике и между

народным   отношениям              Построение   информационно-

поисковых  систем  для  обработки информации  о мировой

экономике и международных отношениях. Москва. 1976.

Иудин А.А. Применение методов количественного анализа в

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на примере Пакистана. Москва, 1981


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Киссинджер Г. Дипломатия. Москва, 1997.

Кларк Р. Наука войны и мира. Москва. 1972.

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Кокошин А.А.   Прогнозирование и политика.  Методология,

организация   и   использование   прогнозирования   междуна

родных  отношений  во  внешней  политике  США.   Москва,


Косолапое Н.  Теория международных отношений: затишье

перед ... // МЭиМО. 1995 №4.

Кукушкин   Н.С.,    Меньшиков   Л.С.,   Меньшикова   О.Р.,

Моисеев П.II.   Математические модели и теория  «институ

тов согласия»              Моделирование процессов мирового раз

вития и сотрудничества. М., 1991.

Лебедева М.М.  Политическая психология за рубежом. Ос

новные направления и некоторые, вопросы методологии ис

следования   //   Критика  буржуазных   политических   кон

цепций. Москва, 1982.

Лебедева М.М.  Политическое урегулирование конфликтов.

Подходы, решения, технологии.

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Мангейм Дж.Б.,  Рич Р.К.  Политология.   Методы исследо

вания. Москва, 1997.

Мартене Ф.Ф. Современное международное право цивили

зованных народов. Москва, 1996.

36 Научные материалы научно-исследовательского центра информатики МИД РФ. Москва, 1998.

Политические отношения: прогнозирование и планирование.

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Рапопорт А. Стратегия и совесть. Москва, 1968.

Реферативный  сборник  ИНИОН   РАН  СССР.   Региональ

ные и локальные конфликты: история и современность. Мо

сква, 1989.

40. Саати Томас Л. Математические модели конфликтных ситуаций. Москва, 1977.

41. Сетов Р.А. К .вопросу о понятии конфликта в теории меж

дународных отношений//Российская американистика и

поисках новых подходов. Материалы научной конференции

ассоциации   изучения   СИМ.   Исторический   ф-г  МГУ   им. М.В. Ломоносова. Москва, 1998.

Системный подход: анализ и прогнозирование международ

ных отношений. Москва, 1991.

Скакунов Э.И.  Международно-правовые гарантии безопас

ности государств. Москва, 1983.

Современные буржуазные теории международных отноше

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Сорокин П. Кризис нашей эпохи. Москва, 1998.

46. Тадевосян Э.В. Словарь-справочник по социологии и политологии. Москва, 1996.

47. Френсис Фукуяма. Конец истории? // Вопросы философии. 1990. №3.

18. Хантингтон С. Столкновение цивилизаций // Политические исследования. 1994. К? 1.

Хохлышева О.О. Мир данности и иллюзия миротворчества.

Нижний Новгород, 1996.

Яковлев И,Г.  Информационно-аналитические технологии и

политическое консультирование ././' Политические исследо

вания. 1998. № 2. "

Янч   Э.   Г1рогноз|фование   научно-технического   прогресса.

Москва, 1974.

A world transformed//   Bush,  George; Scowcroft,  Brent. New York, MY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998. xiv, 590 p.

53.  Aeromedical support issues in contingency operations = ie sou-tien aeromedieai lors des operations non programmees / Advisory    Group    for    Aerospace    Research    and    Development (AGARD)       France: Advistry Group for Aerospace Research and Development, 1998.

xii. ca. 359 p.

51. After  authoritarianism:   democracy  or   disorder?        Nelson,

Daniel  N.  ed.  //  Westport,   CT:' Praeger  Publishers,   1995,


Includes bibliographic refs. select, readings, index. 55. Alliance  security:   NATO   and   the   no-first   use  question

Steinbruner, John ed,; Sigal. Leon V. ed.       Washington DC:

The Brookings Institution, 1983. xi, 222 p.

56.              American leadership, ethnic conflict and the new world order

Caraley, Demetnos James ed.; Hartman, Bonnie B. ed. New York, NY: Academy of Political Science, 1997. 206 p.

An international register of small arms and light  weapons =

Registre international  des armes de petit calibre:  issues and

models = questions et modele  ,    Brown,  Angus.       Canada.

Deptartmenl      of      Foreign      Affairs      and      International

Trade.Verification Research Program.        Ottawa, ON:  De.pt.

of Foreign Affairs amp; International Trade, 1998. iv. 16 p.

Annual of power and conflict  1981 -82: a survey of political

instability and violence, its national and international reper

cussions       Institute for the Study of Conflict.        LONDON:

Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1982. 506 p.

Regional experts analyse the sources and likely outcome of conflict. Detailed chronologies follow an account of the main sources of subversion, especially the actions of guerrilla and terrorist groups, where applicable. A fresh appraisal of the politics of local power and of outside exploitation by larger states.

Argentina-NATO: perspectives on global security ,/" Fontana,]

Andres coord.   /   Argentine  Council  for  International   Rela

tions.        Buenos Aires: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano,  1994.

211 p.

Armenie  Azerbaidjan  Georgie:   1'an  V  des  independances:  la

Russie:   1995-1996        Berton-liogge,   Roberte ed.;  Crosnier,

Marie-Agnes ed.        Paris: La documentation Francaise, 1996.

202 p.

Arms control and the strategic defense initiative; Soviet inter

pretation and response; A new dilemma for NATO; Breaking

the  deadlock:   three  perspectives   /   Doerge,   David  J.   ed.;

Hough, Jerry F.; Sloan, Stanley R.; Warnke. Paul C.; Line-

baugh, David.       Muscatine: Stanley Foundation, 1985.

Arms   export   regulations         Anthony,   Ian,   ed.              Oxford:


Governments are obliged to ensure effective regulation of arms exports and to monitor their movement. The book provides a detailed picture of how governments discharge their legal obliga-

Bibliography and reference)

linn. Individual chapters describe the national efforts of 24 governments to control arms transfers, concentrating on the legal framework that exists to regulate arms exports.

Aron R. Paix et Guerre entre les nations. Paris, 1984.

Attacks on the press in  1995       CPJ = Committee to Protect

Journalists.       New York, NY: CPJ, 1996.

Balkan tragedy: chaos and dissolution alter the cold war

Woodward, Susan L.       Washington, D.C. Brookings Institu

tion. 1995. 536.

Barriers to conversion,  from military to civilian industry: in

market,    planned    and    developing   economies    /    Melman,

Seymour.  / United Nations Centre for Disarmament.       New

York, NY: Columbia U, 1980. 41 p.

A   discussion   of   military   industry   conversion   in   market,

planned and developing countries specifically:  « market econ

omy*        United States,  England, Germany;  ^planned econ

omy»        USSR; -developing countries*  -    Egypt,  Israel and


Beckman   Peter   R.    World    Politics   in    the   20   century.

Englewood Crifts, New Jersey, 1984.

Beyond  UN subcontracting:  task-sharing with regional  secu

rity   arrangements   and   service-providing   NGO's         Weiss,

Thomas G.

ed.        New York, NY: St. Martin's Press,  1998.

266 p.

Blue geopolitics: the United Nations reform and the future of

the blue helmets       Fisas, Vicenc.        East Haven, CT: Pluto

Press, 1995.

Bret ton Woods and Dumbarton Oaks: American economic and

political postwar planning in the summer of  1944       Schild,

Georg.       New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1995. 254 p.

This book compares the postwar planning conference of the Treasury, held at Bretton Woods, and the planning conference of the state Department, held at Dumbarton Oaks. While the 2 departments advocated similar goals of post war economic prosperity and military security, they followed different strategies to achieve those goals. At the Bretton Woods conference held in

July 19-14, the Treasury Department insisted that only states that could adhere to strict fiscal rules designed to increase the volume of international trade could join the newly created I MI-'. At the Dumbarton Oaks conference held from August through October 1944, the State Department deliberately did not impose such prerequisites, but hoped to include all WW II Allies in the New collective security structure of the United Nations. By comparing the 2 conferences, the author presents a wide ranging and authoritative account of Washington's intentions for the world that was to emerge at the end of the war. 2. Broadening the edges: refugee definition and international

protection revisited  ,    Kourula,  Pirkko.        Hague:  Marti mis

Nijhoff Publishers, 1997. 407 p.

This volume brings the refugee issue out of the narrow confines of refugee law into the centre of international law and international relations. It reviews the concept of the refugee, and the international protection of refugees from the unconventional angle of the prospects and limitations of multilateralism in the post Cold War era. It is comprehensive because it offers a review of state practice within the United Nations and regional contexts, as well as a review of the practice of the United Nations inter-Agency system. It is practical because it is based on the personal experience of it's author, not on theoretical models. The broadening concept of security, affecting the attitudes of states towards .refugees, is the underlying theme ol the book. As a result. :he contemporary preoccupation with how best to provide international protection to all those in need of it is reviewed from a lumber of relevant perspectives including that of peacckeep-ng, sanctions, and coordination and competence within the UN. 73), Building democracy; the OMRI annual survey of Eastern

Europe and the Former Soviet Union 1995       Brown. J.F.

OMRI.       New York, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1996. 24 p. . 74. Burundi:  trafics d'armes el aide inilitaire       Pailhe, Caroline

trans.        Human   Rights Watch  Arms  Project.         Bruxelles:

GRIP = Croupe de Recherche et: d*informal;ton sur la Paix et

la Securite, 1997. 30 cm.; 70p.

Eu6nuoepaCanada among nations: 1999 a big league player?:  1998 lead

ership and dialogue:   1996 big enough to be heard:  1989 the

challenge of change: 1986 talking trade: 1985 the conservative

agenda:  1984 a time for transition / Tomlin, Brian W., ed.;

Molot, Maureen Appel, ed.;  Hampson, Fen Osier, ed.; Hart,

Michael, ed.;  Rudner,  Martin, ed.  / The Norman  Paterson

School of International Affairs.        Don Mills, ON; Ottawa,

ON;  Toronto,  ON:  Oxford  University  Press,   Inc.;  Carleton

University   Press;  James   Lorimer   amp;   Company,   Publishers;

OXFORD   UNIVERSITY  PRESS,   1999;   1998;   1997;   1990;

1987; 1986; 1985. 1999: xii, 273 p.; 23 cm.; 1998: 23 cm; xiv,

304p; 1997: 23 cm.; 1990: 243 p.: 23 p.;  1987: 230 p.; 23 p.;

1986: 261 p.; 23 p.; 1985; 222 p.; 23 p.

Canada and NATO's northern flank / Jockel, Joseph T.

Toronto,   ON:  York  Centre  for  International   and  Strategic

Studies, 1984.

Canada and the Far East: 1940-1953 /  Angus, II.F.       To

ronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1953. 129 p.

The purpose of this volume is to bring together and interpret information relating to Canada's contacts with the countries of the Far East since the commencement of the Second World War.

Canada   and   the   future   of   collective   defence   //  Bashow,

David L.                    Kingston,   ON:   Centre for International   Rela

tions, Queen's University, 1998.

Canada and western security: the search for new options  ./'

Byers. R.B; Macrnilian, Margaret; Rastoul, Jacques; Spencer,

Robert; Wright, Gerald. - TO: CISS, 1982.

Canada in NATO / Gellner, John.  -   TO: Ryerson, 1970.

Canada, Poland and NATO enlargement /  Hanson, Jim ed.;

McNish, Susan cd.       Toronto, ON: CISS, 1997. 84 p.

Canada's Army = L'armee de terre du Canada; The army: we

stand on guard for l:hec = nous protegeons nos foyers et nos

droits:   CFP 300   /  National   Defence.         Ottawa:  NDHO,

1984; 1998. 279 p.: binder; 30 cm.; 284 p.

Canada's  international  security  policy        Dewit.   David,   B.

ed.; Ley ton-Brown, David, ed.       Scarborough. ON: Prentice-

?. r. BapaHoecKuu. H. H. Bfiaducnaeneea

Memodbi ananusa Mexdynapodnux Kompnunmoe

Hall Canada Inc. 1995. 504 p.

84. Canada's strategic interests in the new Europe / Hanson, Jim ed.; McN'ish, Susan ed.       Toronto, ON: CISS, 199(5. 23.

Canadian Defence Almanac:   1998-1999: 1997:   1995       Cana

dian  Defence  Preparedness Assoc.         Ottawa:  Cdn   Defence

Preparedness Assoe. 1998: 1997; 1995.

Canadian  foreign  policy:   historical  readings        Granatstein,

j.L. ed.       Toronto, ON: Copp dark Pitman Ltd. 1986. 264 p.

Canadian  strategic  forecast:   1999:  NATO  at  50:   successes,

challenges amp;  prospects:   1997:  Canada and  the world:  non-

traditional   security  threats:   1996:   The  military   in   modem

democratic society:  1995: the Canadian defence policy review

,   Morrison, Alex; McNish, Susan; Rudd, David, ed.; Hanson,

Jim, ed.  ,    The Canadian  Institute of Strategic Studies. Toronto, ON: CISS,  1999;  1997;  1996;  1994;  1990.  1999-xii, 89 p.; 22.5 cm.;  1997-viii,   120 p.: 22.5 cm.;  1996-viii,   185 p.; 22.5 cm.; 1990-xxiii, 253 p.; 22 cm.

Careers in international affairs ,    Garland, Maria Pinto, ed.;

Trucano,  Michael, ed.   ,    School of Foreign Service, George

town University.       Washington, DC: Gerogetow.n University

Press, 1997. x/282 p.

Challenge and commitment:  a defense policy  for Canada

DND.        (Ottawa] Minister of Supply and Services Canada,

1987. 89 p.

Challenges for the new peacekeepers      Findlay, Trevor- ed.

New York, NY: Oxford Univ. Press, 1996.'22."

Chiefs of defense: government and the unified command of the

Canadian Armed Forces ,    Bland, Douglas L.        TO: Brown

Bk Co. 1995

Children on the move: how to implement their right to family

life      Doek. Jaap ed.; Loon, Hans van ed.; Vlaardingerbroek,

Paul ed.       Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996'. 294 p.

This volume contains the text of the speeches given and the papers presented at the international study conference 'Children on the move. 1 low to implement their right to family life. The text provides the reader with an in-depth analysis of the various legal


Eu6nuoapaaspects (problems and remedies) of intercountry adoption, international child abduction and children as international refugees.

CIS migration report:  1996 / Technical Cooperation Centre

tor Europe and Central Asia;  IOM = International Organiza

tion for Migration.       Geneva: IOM = International Organiza

tion for Migration, 1996. 160 p.

Civilian-military cooperation in the prevention of deadly con

flict: implementing agreements in Bosnia and beyond      Joul-

wan. George A.; Shoemaker, Christopher C.        Washington,

DC:   Carnegie  Commission  on   Preventing  Deadly  Conflict,

1998. v, 56 p.

Civil-military relations in the Soviet and Yugoslav successor

states  /  Danopoulos, Constantine P. eel.; Zirker, Daniel ed.

Boulder, CO: Wesiview Press, 1996. 279 p. The text brings together 14 essays that; explore the roles of the armed forces in the ongoing struggles for control over the processes of state formation and government in these newly independent countries. Twelve chapters focus on the experiences in the region; and introductory and concluding chapters draw out commonalities and differences among the cases, comparing them with one*'" another as well as with post-authoritarian regimes elsewhere in the world.

Coercive inducement and the containment of international cri

ses  /   Daniel,  Donald C.F.; Hayes,  Bradd C.; de Jonge Ou-

draat, Chantal.        Washington,  DC:  United States Institute

of Peace Press, 1999. xviii, 272 p.

Coercive inducement and the containment of international cri

ses       Daniel, Donald C.F.; Haves, Bradd C.; de Jonge Ou-

draat, Chantal.        Washington,  DC:  United States Institute

of Peace Press, 1999. xviii, 272 p.

The concept of a ^middle grounds between simple peace enforcement and traditional peacekeeping by lightly armed observers has been both ill defined and controversial. But the authors of this thoughtful yet challenging volume make a strong case for both the practicability and the desirability of such operations. «Coercive inducements. the term was suggested by Kofi .An-

nan, when lie was under-secretary-general for peacekeeping a form of coercive diplomacy that relies more on the deployment and demonstration of military force rather than on the use c force per so. In the absence of such an option, the international community finds it hard to respond to a variety of crises, in eluding' ones that can spiral into genocide. After first laving on general principles, the hook explores four recent UN operation: (in Somalia, Rwanda,  Bosnia, and Haiti) in which coercive inducement  was particularly relevant,  and  (hen  presents operational   guidelines   for   its   use.   Clear-sighted   and   pragmatic throughout,  the authors conclude by suggesting  when and  to what extent the international community should commit: itself to undertake coercive inducement.

98.              Communication between cultures      Samovar, Larry A.: Por

ter,  Richard  E.;  Stefani,   Lisa A.         Belmont,  CA:  Wad-

sworth Publishing Co. 1997. 303 p.

The text focuses on the structure of culture with special emphasis on religion, family and history. The authors explore how differences in perception, world views, values and verbal and non-verbal messages all effect communication.

Conflict  in   Kosovo:   failure  of prevention?:   an   analytical

documentation, 1992-1998 / Troebst, Stefan. / ECMI (Eu

ropean Centre for Minority Issues)        Flensburg, Germany:

ECMI, 1998. xi, 107 p.

Contemporary international relations: frameworks for under

standing       Papp,  Daniel S.        New York, NY:  MACM1L-

LAN, 1994. x, 637 p.

101. Cracks in the consensus: debating the democracy agenda in U.S. foreign policy / Wiarda, Howard J. Westport. CT: Preager, 1997. xiii, 105 p.

Democracy's success at the dawn of the twenty-first century is made possible by its strategic marriage to free market; capitalism. I his combination generates an imperfect but vibrant bazaar of ideas a marketplace of resources whose interaction is in effect. self-regulated through citizen institutions and, ultimately, freely elected government. In many ways the democratic record is de-

(Bibliography and references

fining itself around the world on the basis of varied political and economic experiences, some of which may diverge in their specificity from the North Atlantic .historical context. Articulating visions of democracy, let alone promoting them in the context of foreign policy, does not always graduate beyond rhetoric. This study addresses such issues. The author provides a timely overview of the democratic experience in key regions of the world, backed up with helpful case studies of the Latin American and Caribbean area. At issue is the effectiveness of U.S. democratization policy and the lessons learned. The author's conclusions democracy is not irreversible and U.S. policy toward it is far from being infallible may be a timely wake-up call. The challenge Dr. Wiarda poses is anchored by three themes: first, that democracy means different things to different people; second, that democratic successes are shaped by factors difficult to reorient in the short term, such as a nation's historical trials and tribulation; and third, that U.S. policy instruments and ethnocentric interests do not always couple well with U.S. national interests.

Croatia   and   Bosnia-Herzegovina:   managing  arms  in   peace

processes   /   Ekwall-Uebelhail,   Barbara;   Raevsky,   Andrei;

Potgieter, JW.        New York, NY:  United Nations Publica

tions, 1996. 22 p.

Cross-cultural  dialogues:  74  brief encounters  with  cultural

difference ,    Storti, Craig.        Yarmouth,  ME:  Intercultural

Press, 1993. 140 p.

The text is a collection of brief conversations between Americans and someone from another nationality and culture. The conversations have one if not several breaches in cultural .norm, the challenge is to figure out what has actually transpired and avoid the pitfalls in the future.

Cyprus: ethnic conflict and international politics: from inde-

pendance to the threshold of European Union       Joseph, Jo

seph S.       New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1997. 213 p.

De Sarajevo a Sarajevo: i'echec Yougoslave       Rupnik, Jac

ques, ed.       Bruxelles: Editions Complexe, 1992. 150 p.


106. Defence:   next  step   in  European   integration?   /    Gardner, Hail;   Len/.i,  Guido;   Lferpen,  Marcel  van;  Samson,   Ivo. Cicero Foundation.       Paris: Cicero Foundation, 1996. 82 p..

107. Defence   doctrines   and   conversion         Moller,   Bjorn   ed.; Voronkov. Lev ed.        Brookficld VI: Dartmouth Publishing Co. 1996.

This text contains the contributions 1.0 the workshop on conversion, held under the auspices of the 2nd conference of the European Peace Research Assoc. on << Improving European Security: Threats amp; Responsibilities*, held in Budapest, 11--11 Nov 1993, with additional contributions from members of the Study Group on Conversion Issues under the auspices of IPRA (Inti Peace Research Assoc).

Defense  without  the bomb:  The  report  of the Alternative

Defense Commission       Alternative Defense Commission.

LONDON: Taylor and Francis, 198.1. vii, 311 p.

Do's and taboos around the world for women in business     Ax-

tell, Roger; Briggs, Tami; Corcoran, Margaret;  Lamb, Mary

Beth.      New York, NY: John Wiley amp; Sons, Inc. 1997. 252 p.

From meeting protocol and sexual harassment to dining and gift giving, the rules for conducting business abroad can be dramatically different from those at home-arid they can also vary from country to country. But with this indispensable resource, the reader will have everything needed to successfully interact with your business counterparts. The text gives specific advice on: survival, cultural differences, climbing the career ladder and personal issues.

110.              East Asian strategic review: 1998-1999:  1997-1998 / Japan.

National  Institute for Defense Studies.         Tokyo:  National

Institute for Defense Studies      Japan, 1998. viii, 283 p.

Reports on the security situation in East Asia from the perspective of researchers who specialize in security amp; regional studies. I 1 1. Eastoit D.A. Systems Analysis of Political Life. New York, 19G5. 112. Economic sanctions in U.S. foreign policy      Ayubi, Shaheen; Bissell, Richard E.; Korsah, Nana Ainu-Brafih; Lemer, Laurie A. Philidelphia: Foreign Policy Research Institute, 1982. 86 p.

amp;u6nuoapa113. EliulJ. Le bluff technologoque .-'./ Paris, 1988.

Ill Emergency   and    humanitarian   action:    1996   activities   /

WHO.   -"Geneva: WHO, 1997. 50 p.

WHO's Emergency and Humanitarian Action division's annual report for 1996. It includes a break down of sponsor's, response to emergencies, inter-agency cooperation, emergency preparedness and safety promotion.

115.              Emerging organizational forms: the proliferation of regional

intergovernmental organizations in the modern- world-system

Hawdon,   James.              West port,   CT:   Greenwood   Press,

'    1996, x, 161 p.

Enlarging NATO: the Russia factor ,- Kugler, Richard L.; Kozintseva, Marianna V. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1996.

Enlarging NATO:  the Russia factor       Kugler,  Richard L.;

Kozintseva, Marianna V. -- Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1996.

Ethnicity and nationalism: theory and comparison  /   Brass,

Paul R.'- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1991. 358 p.

The author presents a distinctive theory concerning the origins of ethnic identity and modem nationalism. He bases his theory on 2 focal arguments: one, that ethnicity and nationalism are not «giverfs» but are social and political constructions; and, two, that ethnicity and nationalism are modern phenomena inseparably connected* with activities of the modern centralizing state.

Europe in the balance: securing the peace won in the cold

war        Bertram,   Christoph.         Washington:   Carnegie   En

dowment, 1995.

Europe undivided: the new logic of peace in US-Russian rela

tions        Good by,  James  E.         Washington,   D.C.   United

States Institute of Peace Press, 1998. 256 p.

European civil air: can NATO count on it       Becker, James

W.       Washington: NDU, 1989.

Exploring the dynamics of the Yugoslav crisis: master's thesis

Moller,    Gerald    A.              NAVAL    POSTGRADUATE

SCHOOL.       Monterey: 1995. 218 p.

122.              Fascism: past,  present,  future        Laqueur,  Walter.   —   Ox

ford: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1996. 263 p.


The book examines the roots, ideas, and the practices of fascism and asseses its prospects in the contemporary world.  Fascism is considered a movement of protest amp; discontent and likely candidates are singled out. 123. Fighting for peace      Rose. Michael.       London, UK: Harvill

Press, The, 1998. xvi, 269 p.

121 Genocide and gross human rights violations: in comparative perspective ,   ,Jonassohn, Kurt: Bjornson, Karin Solveig. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1998. xiv, 338 p. A systematic amp;  comprehensive study of genocide down  the ages.  Here is a conceptual perspective with which to examine a wide variety of themes from famines, refugees and hunger, to the Holocaust denial literature and the prevention of unpunished crimes. Special attention is paid to method amp; comparative approaches to data gathering. 125. Germany and NATO       Reed, John A. jr.        Washington:

NDU, 1987.

126'. Germany's geopolitical maturation = Deutschlands geopo-litische reifung: public opinion and security policy in 1994 = offentliche meinung und sieherheitspolitik in 1994 Asmus, Ronald D. -- Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1995. 51 p.

Gilpiii R.   War and  Change  in  World  Politics   .-''/  Cam

bridge, 1983.

Handbook of intercultural (raining       Landis, Dan ed.; Bha-

gat, Rabi S. ed.       Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

1996. 160 p.

The text analyses regions of the world where intercultural issues of the 20th century have heightened-including Central and South America, Europe. China, Eastern Europe, Russia and Israel. Sexuality is also explored as a type of culture, forging a broader, contemporary definition of culture. Other sections of the book examine theoretical and methodological issues inherent in understanding intercultural interactions and training and the context in which the training takes place.

129.              liandwortcrbuch  intermitionale politik        Wovke,   Wichard

ed.       Opiaden: Leske amp; Budrich, 1998.


6u6siuaspacbua (Bibliography and references)

130. Hearts grown brutal: sagas of Sarajevo       Cohen, Roger.

Toronto, ON: Random House of Canada, Ltd. 1998. xlix, 523 p. 13.1. Human Rights: shelter; homeland; justice; freedom ot expression; clean environment; food Elliott), Deborah ed.; Haycock, Kate; Warner, Rachel; Stearman, Kayo; Law, Cheryl; Jones, Sara; MccGwire, Scarlett. Last Sussex, UK: Way-land, 1993. 48 p.

Each book in the series focuses on a specific aspect of .human rights. Designed for children, the texts put the issues into terms that are easy to understand.

132.              Humanitarian intervention: an inquiry into law and morality

Teson, Fernando R.       Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Transnational Publishers, Inc. 1997. xviii, 338 p.

133.              I-FOR:   allied  forces in   Bosnia        Schuize,   Carl.         Lon

don. UK: Windrow amp; Greene Ltd. 1996. 63 p.

131 Implementing Agenda 21: NGO experiences from around the world , Alyanak, Levla, ed.; Cruz, Adrienne, ed. Geneva, Switzerland: NGLS = Non-Governmental Liaison Service, 1997. x, 176 p.

The June 1997 Special Session of the UN General Assembly to review implementation of Agenda 21 provides a unique opportunity to assess the progress made and the difficulties and challenges of implementing the action programme adopted at the 1992 UN conference on environment and development (UNfCED). NGLS has published this collection of contributions from NGOs around the world in order to highlight dimensions of Agenda 21 implementation at the local level that might not otherwise be captured by the international dialogue. In their articles, contributors describe NGO projects and other activities focused on UNCED follow up, and how UNCED's new approach to sustainable development affected thinking, programmes and strategies.

135.              Impunity and human rights in international law and practice

Roht-Arriaza, Naomi ed.       TO: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.

136.              In age of post-Cold War UN peacekeeping operations: ques

tions and options ,   Korean Defense War College.        Korea:

Korean Defense War College, 1997. 116 p.

137.              Intercultural communication: an introduction      Jamie, Fred

E.       Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998. 489 p.: ill. (b amp; vv).

Using a reader-entered approach, Janc< covers a wide range of material, including the barriers in intercultural communication; dimensions of culture; multiculturalism; women, family, and children in cultural context:; and cultures' influence on perception. He also presents a historical framework to view the development, of current, topics and an integration of media as a variable in the advancement of issues and ideas. A number of illustrative materials-vignettes, quotes, cases, and stories are used to keep the student's attention and provoke thought while challenging existing viewpoints.

138.              Internally'  displaced  people:  a global  survey        Hampton,

Janie ed.       London, UK: Earthscan Publications Ltd. 1998.

A unique examination of one of the world's most acute humanitarian crises: the plight of over 23 million IDPs who are refugees within their own countries, forced to leave their homes because of military conflict, ethnic persecution, or other human rights violations. While high profile cases may be momentarily in the media's eye the vast majority of IDPs continue to survive, often in appalling conditions, with little security or legal protection from national or supra-national bodies. This independent survey collates the most comprehensive amp; up to date information available, presenting facts, figures amp; trends for over 50 countries on 5 continents. Issues such as the rights of IDPs amp; the responsibilities of the international community towards them are analysed amp; discussed.

International affairs. 1994. Vol. 70. ,\9 4.

International organizations: a model United Nations reader

Juyal, Shreesh.        Charlottetown,  PEL Stratbmor Publica

tions, 1996. 303 p.

This book is intended as a teaching manual and provides the necessary background on a variety of facts amp; issues, rules amp; procedures, amp; the mechanism involved in Model UN programmes. 111. International  organizations:  a  dictionary        Schiavone,  Giuseppe.       London, UK: MacMillan Press Ltd. 1997. 331 p.

(Bibliography and references)

142. Intervention in intra-state conflict: V.I: implications for the army in the post-cold war era: v.2: implications for the army in the post-cold war era       supplemental materials ,    Szayna, Thomas   S.;   Fuller,   Graham   E.;   Howe,   Robert   D.;   Ni-chiporuk, Brian; Riley, Kevin Jack; Tellis, Ashley J.; Winne-fekl, James A.; Kanter, Arnold; Harrell, Margaret C.; Steinberg, Paul S. - Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1995. Vol. I focuses on identifying the issues and some of the answers associated with changes taking place in the nature of intrastate conflict. If focuses principally on intervention (and its termination) in intrastate disputes of interest to the US. Volume 2 provides supporting material in form of case studies real amp; speculative. 1.43. Joint warfare publication 3-50: peace support operations

United Kingdom. Ministry of Defense (MOD)               Northwood

Middlesex, UK: Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ), J7 Division, 1998? viii, 168 p.

Kaplan M. System and Process in International Polities. New

York, 1957. "

Katastrofy I gosudarstvo      Shoigu, S.K.; Vorob'ev, Y.L.; VJadi-

mirov, V.A. -- Moscow, Russia: Energoatomizdat, 1997. 159 p.

This work covers the Russian approach to disaster management from training through to response.

146.              Keen S. Faces of enemy. Reflections of the hostile imagina

tion / New .York, 1986~

.147. Kilgour D., Hipcl K., Fang L., Peng X. Applying the Decision Support System GMCR II to Peace Operation , The Cornwalls Group II: Analysis for and of the Resolution of Conflict, The Lester B. Pearson Canadian Int. Peacekeeping Training Centre, 1998.

148. Knights in white armor: the new art of war and peace Bellamy. Christopher,       London, UK: Random House (UK) Ltd. 1996. xv, 272 p.

In this timely and perceptive study. Bellamy develops a new theory of war and peace. Using his personal experience as a serving soldier and as a defense correspondent who has had frontline experience in Rwanda, Bosnia, the Gulf, Chechnya and Kurdistan,

?. r. BapanaecKUu, H. H. Bnaducnaeneea

Memodbi ananuaa Me^dynapodhbix KOHtpnuKmos

Bellamy focuses specifically on the wav limited wars are conduc

ted. And, in this, inevitably he examines the complex role of the

UN, Whose highly distinctive white armoured vehicles give the

book its title. This book is an analysis of international politics

and security. It takes a long hard look at the brutal face of war

and also asks some very searching questions about the dilemma

of peacekeeping               by the United Nations or any other body.

La defense en Europe: de la guerre dn Goife an conflit you-

gosJave :/' Buffotot, Patrice, ed.        Paris: La documentation

Francaise, 1995. 215 p.

La gestion cles'sorties de crise: actions civilo-militaires et ope

rations de reconstruction ,    Peigney, Pierre ed.       Fondation

pour les etudes de defense.       Paris: Fondation pour les etu

des de defense, 1998.

La guerre parfaite /  Delpech, Therese.         Paris:  Flamma-

rion, 1998. 146 p.

Chaque epoque a sa facon de faire la guerre. Ceux qui ne com-prennent pas a temps les changements qui bouleversent I'art rni-Jitaire sent condamnes a la defaitc. Les evolutions technologi-ques decisives out etc peu nombreuses an cours des siecles. EJles sont souvent intervenues longtemps avant leur utilisation au cours des conflits. Nous sornmes aujourd'hui a Van be d'une revo-lution militaire de grande ampjeur grace aux possiblites ouvertes par Jes technologies de i'information, les frappes a longue ciis-tajice, les armes intelligentes et une notivelle utilisation de 1'es-pace. Mais la fin du siecle est aussi celie de la proliferation des armes biologiques. chimiques et nucleaires, qui pen vent, consti-tuer pour des pays de moindre dfiveioppement des possibilites de contournement de la puissance technologique des pays occiden-taux. C'est aussi ie temps des genocides et des massacres de populations civiles en Bosnie et. en Afriqne. C'est enfin ie moment de la mont.ee en puissance de la Chine. L'auteur montre que les grandes esperances iechnologit|ues de la fin du siecle, qui font miroiter des victoires rapides el decisives, pen vent conduire de r'il-turs adversaires a engager une re\rolu(ion pai'allele avec leurs pro-pros armes: ie tcrrorisnic, ia ruse, la repugnance des societes de-


BuGnuoepacfrua (Bibliography and references)

veloppees a utiliser \i\ force et surtout a sou ten ir des operations militaires dans la duree. Une bonne connaissance des adversaj-res a ton jours ete tine des clefs du succes. C'est aussi ie meilleur conseil pour prevenir ou gagner les conflils du prochain siecle.

152.              L'annee strategique: 1998      Boniface, Pascal.       Paris: IRIS-

Editions Complexe, 1998. 405 p.

Ouvrage de reference, L'Annee strategique accueille les contributions des meilieurs specialistes des differentes zones geogra-phiques. I Is presentent une analyse de ia situation mondiale, eclairent les grands enjeux du moment ct mettent en evidence, region par region, les principales evolutions strategiques, actti-elles et a venir. L'Annee strategique comporte en outre des annexes statistiques qui, au-dela des traditionnelles mais indispensable donnees militaires, s'elargissent a la demographic ae a I'economie. Ces annexes offrent au lecteur les informations les plus recentes et ies plus pertinentes pour evaluer les facteurs de puissance de ehaque Etat de la planete.

153.              Lave Ch., March J.G. An Introduction to Models in Social

Sciences. New York, 1978.

15-1 L'elargissement de I"OTAN et les interets transatlantiques ca-

narfiens      Le;gauJt, Albert ed.; Sens, Alien ed.; Fortmann, Mi

chel ed.; Marantz, Paul ed.; Hyppia, Renii ed.; Lake, Scott ed.

Quebec, OC: Etudes Strategiques et Militaires, 1997. 115 p.

155. Les conflits verts: la deterioration de I'environnfernent, source

de  tensions  majeures   /   Schmitz,   Marc  ed.              Bruxelles:

GRIP =: Groupe de Recherche et d'information sur la Paix et la Securite, 1992. 200 p.

La notion de 'conflit \-crt' est nouvelle. Elle couvre en fait tou-tes ces situations explosives qui peuvent alter de 1'emeute locale jusqu'au conflit international en passant par 1'insurrection ou la guerre civile et qui ont comme particularite d'etre directement liees a la rarete des ressources et; a 1'environnement malmene. Cer-tes, les sen Is problemes ecologiques ne mettent pas necessairement ie feu aux poudres; ils viennent plutot s'aj outer a d'autres etin-celles, d'ordre po.litique, social, national, ethnique, religieux... Mais a mesure que la saute de noire planete se deteriore, ie


E. r. BapanoecKuu, H. H, Bnaducnaeneea

Memodbi ananusa MexdynapodHbix

roiejoue par I'ctinceiJe vertc s'avert1 tie plus en plus determinant.

Objeetif du present ouvrage, realise par des specialistes mais ec-rit pour un large public: expliquer el illustrer par des cas con-crets ce jiouve.au concept de 'eonflit vert'; montrer an public et aux responsabies politiques en quoi et comment ie cieclin ecologic) tie ne constitue pas seulemerit une deterioration de noire cadre de vie niais aussi une menace majeure pour la sccurire Internationale; enfin, dt'gager des pistes pour soitir de cette impasse.

Les droits humain.s: une arme pour Ja pajx /   Schmitz, Marc;

Nolet, Sophie. .,-"' Amnesty International.       Bruxelles; GRIP

- Groupe de Recherche et (('information stir la Paix et la Se-

curite, 1998. 129 p.

Les interventions exterieures de Farmee francaise /  Pascal-

Ion, Pierre.       Bruxelles: Bruyiant, 1997. xviii, 342 p.

1.58. Lessons from Bosnia: the IFOR experience       Wentz, Larry, ed. -  Vienna, VA: CCRP, 1997. xxiv, 505 p.

Limiting conventional forces in Europe: An alternative to the

mutual and  balanced force reduction  negotiations  /  Bow

man, William R.  -    Washington, D.C. NTDU, 1985.

Loard E. Types of International Society. New York, 1976.

L'onu dans tons ses etats: son histoire       les principes et les

faits, les nouveaux defis        et Jes reformes?       Adam.  Ber

nard; Becky. Solange; Bertrand, Maurice; Dumoulin, Andre;

Florv, Maurice; C/erard-Libois, Jules: Guilhaudis, Jean-Fran

cois;  Linard, Andre;  Loir. Theo; Marthoz, Jean-Paul;  Men-

diluee, .Jose Maria; Noiasco, Patricio; Pave, Olivier; Prunier,

Gerard;  Ravenef,  Bernard;  Remade,  Eric;  Reyntjens,  Filip;

Salmon, Jean; Schmitz, Marc; Vidal, Dominique; Werly, Ri

chard; Yaker, Lavashi.       Bruxelles: GRIP = Groupe de Re

cherche et d'information sur la Paix et la Securite, 1995. 203 p.

L'OTAN       Zarka. Jean-CJaude.        Paris:  Presses  Universi-

taires de France, 1997. 125 p.

163.              Mackindcr It. Democratic ideals and reality. New York, 1919.

161 Mediterranean security,  new issues and challenges       Larra-

bee,   F.   Stephen;   Thorson.   Caria.              Santa   Monica,   CA:

Rand, 1996. 39 p.


(Bibliography and references)

165. Meskhelian lurks: solutions and human security Burke, Justin; Samojeden, Michael photog; Archangel), Elizabeth ed.: Limbu, Bishupal ed. The Forced Migration Projects of the Open Society Institute. New York, NY: Open Society Institute, 1998. viii, 72 p.

This report concerns the Meskhetian Turks, a less well-known victimized people whe were not only deported en masse in .1944, but who were also subjected in 1989 to a progorn in the Fergana Valley in what is now Uzbekistan. Dispersed in Centra! Asia, Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan, the Meskhetian Turks aspire to return to their ancestral homeland in Georgia. Only a relative handful have been permitted to return, and many live in difficult circumstances in places such as the Krasnodar region of Russia, where they are often subject to discriminatory and abusive treatment by local authorities, such as the granting or withholding of residency permits. The report examines the economic, social, and political dimensions of issues concerning the Meskhetian Turks. Strategies to fortify both human and national security are put forth, and specific recommendations are made to manage the issue in ways that could ameliorate hardships and prevent interethnic tensions, thus preventing forced displacement.

(Migratsii i novye diaspory v postsovetskikh gosudarstvakh]

= Migrations and new diasporas in the post-soviet states  ./

Tishkov, Valery A. ed.       Moscow: Russian Academy of Sci

ences. Institute of Ethnology amp; Anthropology, 1996.

Mind the gap: promoting a transatlantic revolution in mili

tary affairs       Gompert,  David C.;  Kugler,  Richard L.:  Li-

bicki, Martin C.       Washington, DC: National Defense Uni

versity Press, 1999. xiv, 91 p.

Mindsets: the role of culture and perception in international

relations        Fisher,  Glen.         Yarmouth,   ME:   Interculturai

Press,  1997. 213 p.

An insightful and updated analysis of the roles of culture and perception in international relations. The author examines how mindsets or cultural lenses filter our view and reactions to the


world. Concrete suggestions for examining international relations issues from a perspective which reveals I lie- significance of the hidden forces at work in global events. A powerful case is made for getting below (lie surface of local ethnic clashes to understand (the cultural amp; perceptual factors underlying the conflict.

Multinational force command authorities handbook: proceed

ings of the; CR-Cast working group on command authorities

required for a multinational  force commander       CR-CAST

Working Group.       PA: U.S. War College, 1 ~Se.pt- 1995.

Multinational naval cooperation and foreign policy into the

21st century  ,    Crickard,  Fred W., ed.; Mitchell,  Paul T-,

ed.;  Orr,  Katherine,  ed.         Brookfield.  VT:  Ashgate  Pub

lishing Ltd. 1998. xvi, 305 p.

Multinational naval forces  ,'  Haydon,  Peter ed.;  Griffiths,

Ann L. ed.        Halifax, NS: Centre for Foreign Policy Stud

ies, Dalhousie University, 1996. 261 p.

Nations in transit 1997: civil society, democracy and markets in

East Central Europe and the newly independent states ,   Kara-

tnyckv, Adrian, ed.; Motyl, Alexander, ed.; Shor, Boris, ed.

New Brunswick )NJ] Transaction Publishers, 1997. 418 p.

173.              NATO  1997: year of change       Chalmer,  Lawrence R.  ed.:

Pierce, Jonathan W. ed. Washington, D.C. National Defense

University Press, 1998. 23 cm; xvit, 245 p.

This volume consists of selected papers from an NDU sponsored symposium held in March 1997 entitled: NATO: after the Madrid Summit. Participants were challenged to think about issues that would transcend the basic one of enlargement of NATO. 171 NATO       Warsaw Pact force mobilization       Simon, Jeffrey ed.       Washington, D.C. NDU, 1988.

NATO  1997: year of change  .    Chalmer,  Lawrence R.  ed.;

Pierce, Jonathan W. ed.        Washington, D.C. National De

fense University Press, 1998. 23 cm; xvii, 215 p.

NATO enlargement  amp; Central   Europe:  a study in  civil-mi

litary relations      Simon, Jeffrey.        Washington,  D.C. Na

tional Defense University Press, 1996. 317 p.

(Bibliography and references)

NATO enlargement: opinions and options       Simon, Jeffrey,

ed.       Washington: National Defense University Press Publi

cations, 1995. 207 p.

NATO enlargement: opinions and options       Simon, Jeffrey,

ed.       Washington: National Defense University Press Publi

cations, .1995. 207 p.

The text reports on the proceedings of a conference, sponsored by the INSS, dealing with the NATO and how it will have to cope with the new Eastern Europe expansion.

179.              NATO enlargement: who benefits?  ,' Griffiths, Ann L., ed.

Halifax, NS: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University. 1998. vii, 75 p.

180.              NATO Expansion: The Next Steps      Asmus, Ronald T., Ku-

gler, Richard L., and Larrabee, F.S.      Rand Corporation.


01 January .1995.

18.1. NATO handbook = Manuel de J'OTAN      NATO.       Brussels:

NATO Office of Information and Press. 1998; 1995; 1980. .182. NATO in the 5th decade /   Dunn, Keith ed.; Flanagan, Stephen ed.       Washington: National Defense University, 1990. 183. NATO'on the brink of the new millennium: the battle for consensus     De Wijk, Rob.       LONDON: Brasscy's, 1997. x, 165 p. 181 NATO tasks list: draft ,    NATO.       Norfofk, VA.; Belgium:

NATO., 1997. 1G6J p.: Binder.

185. NATO's nuclear dilemmas       Schwartz,  David.        Washington DC: The Brookings Institute, 1983. x, 270 p. .186. Naval  arms control        Lodgaard,  Sverre ed.         LONDON:

Sage Publications, 1990. 264 p.

187. Navies and shipbuilding industries: the strained symbiosis Todd, Daniel: Lindberg, Michael.       Westport. CT: Praeger Publishers, 1996. xvii, 197 p.

This book discusses the shipbuilding industry and the part it has played in naval warfare in various world countries. Specific coverage includes: stock-taking of naval newbuilding programs under way around the world; the symbiosis between navies and their attendant: industries contemplating the geographical,

trade, and political factors that impel states to set. aside resources for naval fore.es: a review of the compelling reasons for having a domestic naval shipbuilding industry; a focus from the actual to the ideal, to look away from real navies as they exist in the world today and to turn to notations.! ones; a discussion of the epitome of model navies; a review of" the salutary example of the former' Soviet Union and its satellites; case studies of countries and their first faltering steps into the arena of navies and naval industries with a global overview of the navy-industry equation; an underscore of the problems that render the symbiosis <> or unstable.

Neisser U. Cognitive Psychology. N.Y., 1967.

New dimensions of peacekeeping       Warner,  Daniel, ed.

Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Pub!, 1995.

Niche diplomacy: middle powers after the Cold War / Coo

per, Andrew F., ed.        London, UK; MacMillan Press Ltd.

1997. via, 221 p.

Nuclear weapons in Europe ,    Pierre, Andrew j. ed.                New

York, NY: Council on Foreign Relations, 1984. 118 p.

192.              Out of area or out of reach: European military support for

operations in  Southwest Asia       Peters, John.E.;  Deshong,

Howard.       Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 1995. 133 p.

1.93. Peace in the midst of wars: preventing and managing international ethnic conflicts       Garment,  David, eel.; James,  Patrick,  ed.         Columbia,   SC:   University  of South  Carolina Press, 1998. xi, 333 p. 191 Peace is war: Great War III   Anderson, D.V.  -    Maple, ON:

Lema Press, 1987. 378 p.

The author proposes that peace may be achieved by a rejuvenated alliance of the English speaking people of the world and their allies. He also warns of appeasement being the greatest menace facing the west in light of the Soviet Union's might. The text is set up as a series of question and answer session or a debate.

195. Peacekeeping amp; the role of Russia in Eurasia      Jonson, Lena ed.; Archer, Clive ed.        Boulder, CO: Wcstview Pr. 1996.


Bu6nuoapa$>ust (Bibliography and references)

196.              Peacekeeping  '94   exhibition   and   seminar:   tape  7  Nato   amp;

peacekeeping: The Rwandan experience .   Peacekeeping '94.

Washington. D.C. 1994.

Peacekeeping  at   a  crossroads   /    MacFarlane,   S.Neil,   ed.;

Ehrhart,   Hans-Georg,   ed.         Clementsport,  NS:   Canadian

Peacekeeping Press, 1995. vii , 232 p.

Peacekeeping by proxy .   Morrison, Alex, ed.       Clementsport,

NS: CPP'= Canadian Peacekeeping Press, The, 1999. viii, 69 p.

Peacemaker or powder monkey:  Canada's role in a revolu

tionary world / Minifie, .James M.       Toronto, ON: McClel

land amp; Stewart Ltd. 1960. C.I: 181 p.; 18 cm.; c. 2: 174 p.

Politics  of  compromise:   NATO   and   AWACS         Tessmer,

A.molcl, Lee.               Washington: NDLJPr, 1988.

Post Cold War security regimes in Asia Pacific: Russian view

point / Petrovsky, Vladimir.    - Moscow: Pamyatniki Istoriche-

skoi Mysli = [monuments of historical thoughts] 1998. 261 p.

The text examines the security issues facing the Asia Pacific region as seen from the Russian point, of view. Bi-polar security arrangements are being replaced by multilateral arrangements between the US, Russia, China and the other regional powers.

Problems of democratic transition and consolidation: South

ern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe

Linz, Juan J.: Stepan, Alfred.        Baltimore, Maryland: The

Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

Proctor J.11. A Theoretical Basis for International Organisa

tion Change with Comments from a Thirty Year Perspective

V Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences.   1992. Vol. 82. Ab 1.

204/i. Project Coldfeet: secret mission to a Soviet ice station / Leary, William M; LeSchack. Leonard A. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1996. 196 p.

The text examines an Office of Naval Research and CIA mission to drop and recover two agents from an abandoned Soviet drift station on a deteriorating arctic ice pack. 205. Reforging the trans-Atlantic relationship      Barry. Charles L. ed.       Washington: NDU Press,  1996.


206.              Regionalism in world politics: regional organization and in

ternational order / Faweett, Louise ed.; Hurrcll, Andrew ed.

Oxford: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1995. 342 p.

207.              Reputation and international politics       Mercer, Johnathan.

Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995. x, 236 p. The hypothesis of this hook is that a nation's reputation is not worth fighting for. lie examines what defines a reputation, when it is likely to emerge in international politics, and the consequences. His examples are drawn from pre WVV'I, Gulf War, and Bosnia, lie considers the role of culture, gender amp; nuclear weapons.

208.              Return to the UN: UN diplomacy in regional conflicts / Ber-

ridge, G.R.               New York, NY: St'. Martin's Press, 199]. 161 p.

The text examines why states turn to the UN, especially since 1.987, with unprecedented enthusiasm. What has been the nature of the UN contributions to the various settlements brokered by the UN? What contribution is the UN making to the existing problems in the Western Sahara, Cyprus, Cambodia, and the Middle East?

Richardson L.  Arms and Insecurity: A Mathematical Study

of the  Causes  and  Origins of War        pacific  Grove,   Cal.:

Boxwood Press, 1960.

Rivers of blood: a comparative study of government massa

cres       Uekert,  Brenda  K.         Westport,  CT:  Praeger Pub

lishers, 1995.

Russia and Europe: the emerging security agenda       Baranov-

sky,  Vladimir ed.        New  York, NY:  OXFORD  UNIVER


Russian   civil-military   relations         Ilerspring,   Dale   R.

Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1996. 230 p.

The author re-evaluates the utility of Western theories and models of Soviet-civil military relations with particular emphasis on the important role of military history in Soviet and subsequently in Russian national security decision making. Analysis of the debates about military doctrine and military high command's attempt to defend its professional territory sheds light on the dynamics of the failed 199.1 coup. The text concludes with a

(Bibliography and references)

timely discussion of the problems inherent  in building a post-Soviet Russian army and the relationship of the military to current political conflict, in Russia.

213. Russian foreign policy alter the cold war       Buszynski, Leszek.       Westport, CT: Praeger, 1996. 243 p. A look at the  Russian Federation's foreign policy in the post cold war era the theme being the foreign policy of a disoriented state.

214 SchfUiv.g T. The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge, 1963.

SD1: a view from Europe      Hughes, Robert C.       Washing

ton, D.C. NDU, 1990. 20.5 cm.

Security  arrangements for a  new  Europe:   the   14th  NATO

symposium,  spring   1991         Wharton,   William   D.   ed.

Washington: NDU, 1992.

Security issues in the post-cold war world      Davis, M. Jane,

ed.       Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1996. ix, 248 p.

Separatism: democracy and disintegration ,    Spencer, Metta,

ed.         Lanhani,   MD:   Rowman  and   Littlefield   Publishers,

Inc. 1998. viii, 338 p.

As the millennium approaches, the world is experiencing civil wars exclusively half of which are being waged over the issue of secession. This book offers a comparative view of nine historic separatist movements, some of which have achieved the breakup of an empire or a state and others that to date have not. Contributors also analyze the implications of separatism and look at other possibilities for reconciling particularistic identities with the more universal goals of nationalism and citizenship.

Strategic appraisal  1996  ,   Khalilzad, Zaimay, ed.        Santa

Monica, CA: Rand,  1990. 329 p. Deals with the major stra

tegic  issues confronting the  US in the post-Cold War era,

with an emphasis on the future role of aerospace power.

Strategic survey:   1998-1999:   1997-1998:   1996-1997:  1994-

1995:  1991-1992:   1984-1985:  1983-1984:   1980-1981:  1979:

1978: 1975 (Bearman, Sidney, ed.) 1ISS.       TO: OUP, 1999;

1998; 1997;  1995; 1992: 1985; 1984; 1981;  1980; 1979; 1976.

1998       288 p.: maps; 23.5 cm.; 1997       130 p.; 24 cm.; 1996

262 p.; 24 cm,.; 1995 265 p.; 24 cm.; 1992 248 p.; 22 cm.; 1985 - 140 p.; 25 cm.; 1984 MO p.; 25 cm.; 1981

138 p.; 25 cm.; 1980 139 p.; 25 cm.; 1979 140 p.; 25 cm.; 1976 -- 130 p.; 25 cm.

Target Bosnia: integrating information activities in peace op

erations:   NATO-led   operations   in   Bosnia-Herzegovina   De

cember 1995-1997 / Combelles Siegei, Pascale.       Washing

ton, DC: National Defense University Press, (998. 198 p.

Terror, force and stales: the path from modernity ,   O'Kane,

Rosemary  H.T.         Cheltenham,   UK:  Edward   Elgar,   1996,

214 p.

The text offers a new theoretical explanation of the nature and causes of terror states. Developed through a critical reexamina-tion of the works of Bauman, Weber, Arendt, Friedrich and Brzezinski, as well as through detailed case studies of terror regimes including Nazi Germany, Stalin's Russia and Pol Pot's Cambodia. The view offeree as a form of power is rejected by the author who carefully distinguishes between repressive and terror governments and, crucially, between totalitarian dictatorships and totalitarian regimes. The lessons drawn suggest that the Holocaust and modern genocide are not intrinsically related 10 modernity. Terror regimes operate not through the state but from behind a state facade within a secret society. Economic crisis is given prominence in their explanation with the decisive explanatory factor argued to be the move from plans to substantive irrationality. Indeed it is the economic rationality of modern society, most particularly in respect to labour markets, which act as a barrier to terror's rule.

Tested mettle: Canada's peacekeepers at war     Taylor, Scott; No

lan, Brian.       Ottawa, ON: Esprit de Corps Books, 1998. 264 p.

The politics of global governance: international organizations

in an interdependent world       Diehl.  Paul E., ed.        Boul

der, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 1997.

The access guide to ethnic conflicts in Europe and the former

Soviet Union /  Seym ore, Bruce ed.        Washington: Access,



Bu6nuoepacpua (Bibliography and references)

226. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science: no.  185 The place of the United States in a world organization  for the  maintenance of peace:   v203  Refugees: showing the causes, the facts, the administrative amp; economic difficulties, the human adjustments, amp; the efforts at solution, of forced migration: v204 Democracy and the Americas considering totalitarian influences in Latin America, inter-American trade amp; cultural relations, amp; the accomplishments amp; significance of the  Lima  Conference:  v234  Agenda far peace: v238 Postwar jobs for veterans: v239 The disabled veteran: v246  Making the  United Nations work: v252  Progress and prospects of the United,,Nations:v288 NATO and world peace: v292 Bureaucracy and democratic government: v296 The future of the United Nations issues of charter revision: v309 Disasters and disaster relief: v3G5 The peace corps: v380 Resources  and needs of American  diplomacy:  v432  Africa  in transition: v433 Ethnic conflict in the world today: v442 The human dimension of foreign policy: an American perspective: v463 International terrorism: v467 The global refugee problem:  U.S. and world response: v504 Peace studies: past and future: v506 Human rights around the world: vf>12 The Nordic region: changing perspectives in  international  relations: v.518 Resolving regional conflicts: international perspectives: v535 The arms trade: problems and prospects in the post-cold war  era:   vf>4()   Local  governance  around  the  world:   v541 Small wars: v542 Flexibility in international negotiation and mediation: v546 The media and politics: v5f>2 Strengthening transitional   democracies   through   conflict   resolution:   v554 The  role of NGOs  charity  and  empowerment        v96(185) King, Clyde ed.: v203 Brown, Francis J. ed.; v204 Patterson, Ernest  Minor ed.:  v234   Patterson.  Ernest  Minor ed.;  v238 Weblunk, Paul ed.; v239 Donahue, Wilma T. ed. amp; Tib-bits, dark ed.; v21G Patterson, Ernest Minor ed.: v252 Patterson, Ernest   Minor ed.;  \ 288  Patterson,  Ernest   Minor ed.;  v292 Charlesworth, James C. ed.; v29(> Jacob, Philip E. ed; v309 Smith, De Witt ed.; \3fi5 Parmer, J. Norman ed.; v380 Simp-


son, Smith eel.: \'432 Wolfgang, Marvin H. ed.; "i33 Heisler, Martin 0. ed.; v442 Richardson, John Jr. ed.; v463 Wolfgang, Marvin E. ed.; v467 Loescher, Gilburt D. amp; Scanlan, John A. ed.; 504 Lopez, George A. ed.; v506 Wolfgang. Marvin E. ed.; v512 Heisler, Martin 0. ed.; v518 Zartman, 1. William ed.; v535 Markavy, Robert E, amp; Neuinan, Stephanie G. ed.; v540 Teune, Henry ed.; vf>41 Olson, Wm. J. ed.; v542 Druckman, Daniel, ed.; Mitchell, Christopher, ed.; v546 Jamieson, Kathleen Hall ed.; \552 Shonholt/, Raymond, ed.; Shapiro, liana ed.; v554 Fernando, Judc L. amp; lies ton, Alan W. ed. Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

The  bomb  and  European  security        Vigeveno,   Guido.

Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983. xii ,131 p.

The Canadian strategic review: 1982      Byers, R.B., ed.      Toron

to, ON: Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies, The, 1982. 1-18 p.

The causes and prevention of war ,    Brown, Seyorn.                  Lon

don. UK: MacMillan Press Ltd.  1994. xii, 260 p.

The challenge of NATO enlargement /  Bebier, Anton A., ed.

Westport, CM: Praeger Publishers, 1999. vii, 244p.

The conventional  defense of Europe:  new  technologies and

new strategies ,    Pierre, Andrew J. (Ed)       New York, NY:

Council Foreign Relations, ]986.

The fall of Yugoslavia: the third Balkan war /  Glenny, Mi-

sha.       New York, NY: Penguin Books, 1996. [314] p. '

The forgiveness factor: stories of hope in a world of conflict

Henderson, Michael.        Ottawa:  MRA Books ' Grosvenor Books, 1996.

The guide to Canadian policies on international peace and se

curity       Boulden, Jane; Cox, David.        [Ottawa, ON] Ca

nadian Centre for Global Security, 1994. v, 200 p.

The Halifax G-7 Summit: issues on the table      Ostry. Sylvia

ed.; Winham, Gilbert  R. ed.        Halifax: Centre for Foreign

Policy Studies, Dalhousie University,  1995.

The  INF Treaty:  hearings before the Committee on  Foreign

Relations United States Senate, 100th Congress 2nd session: on

the treaty between the United States of America and the Uni-


(Bibliography and references)

on of Soviet Socialist Republics on the elimination of their intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles       United States. Unites States Senate.  Committee on  Foreign   Relations-Washington. D.C. US Government Printing Office, 1988.

The INF Treaty: report of the Committee on Foreign Rela

tions United States Senate:  100th Congress, 2nd Session

United States.  United States Senate. Committee on  Foreign

Relations.         Washington,   D.C.   US  Government   Printing

Office, 1988. iv, 515 p".

The   law  of  military  operations:   liber  amicorum   Professor

jack Grunawalt / Schmitt, Michael N. ed.       Newport, Rl:

Naval War College Press, 1998. 24 cm.; 458 p.

The lessons learned information warehouse =  Le depot  des

donnes   sur   les    lecons   retemies;    Information    warehouse

[LLIW] = Le depot des donnecs [DDLR] .    DND; The army

lessons  learned  centre =  Le centre  des  lecons retenues  cle

1'armee.       [Ottawa] Dept. of National Defence, 1998; 1997;

1996.   1999 Sep: 2 CD-ROM;   1998 Dee: 2 CD-ROM;  1998

Sept: 1 CD-ROM; 1998 Apr: 2 CD-ROMs;  1997 Nov: I CD-

ROM;  1997 Jul: I CD-ROM;  1997 Mar:  1 CD-ROM;  1996

Jul: 2 CD-ROMs; 1996 Feb: I CD-ROM.

The naval vision = regard sur 1'avenir de la marine du Cana

da: charting the course for Canada's Maritime Forces into the

21st century = batir les forces maritimes candiennes du XXIe

siecie      Maritime Command. -    Halifax: Marcom HO, 1994.

The new peacekeeping partnership      Morrison, A. ed; Kiras.

James ed; Blair, Stephanie A. ed.       Clementsport: Canadian

Peacekeeping Press, 1995.

The politics of peace-maintenance ,    Chopra, Jarat,  cd.

Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 1998. 145 p.

The post-Soviet  handbook:  A guide to grassroots organiza

tions and internet resources in the newly independent states

Ruffin,  M.  Holt:  McCarter, Joan;   Upjohn,  Richard. Seattle: Univ. of Washington Pr, 1996. 23. 214. The Russian army in a time of troubles      Baev, Pavel K. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1996. xiii, 204 p.


Tin.- book starts with a historical overview of Russia's security agenda and examines the Russian/Soviet Army's tradition of involvement in politics. It goes on to look at Russia's current security interests and the role of the Army in protecting them. Genera! geopolitical perspectives are linked to the more burning security issues of the 245.              The third wave:  democratization in the  late twentieth cen

tury       Huntington, Samuel P.       Norman, Oklahoma: Uni

versity of Oklahoma Press, 1991. 366 p.

This book attempts to explain an important global political development of the late twentieth century: the transition, of some thirty countries, from non democratic to democratic political systems. The author attempts to explain why, how and with what immediate consequences this wave of democratization occurred bet: ween 197--1 and 1990.

246.              The UN Secretary-General from the Cold War to the new era:

a global peace and security mandate?      Newman, Edward.

London, UK: MacMillan Press Ltd. 1998. vii, 239 p.

217. The United Nations and NATO in former Yugoslavia: partners in international cooperation / Leurdijk, Dick A. The Hague: Netherlands Atlantic Commission, 1991.


(Bibliography and references)

2-18. The United Nations and NATO in Former Yugoslavia, .1991-1996: limits to diplomacy and force      Leurdijk, Dick A. The Hague: Netherlands Atlantic Commission. 1996. xv, 152 p.

249.              The United Nations in conflict management:  American,  So

viet  and Third World Views  .    Weiss, Thomas G.        New

York, NY: Internationa! Peace Academy, 1990. 85 p.

The role of UN pk amp; prn in the management amp; resolution ofin-t'l conflicts. Discussion on super-power involvement in the Third World.

The warrior who would rule Russia: a profile of Aleksandr Le-

bed      Lambeth. Benjamin S. — Santa Monica. CA: Rand, 1996.

Tikhomirov V.B.  New International  Development Strategy:

A Systems Analysis Approach. New York, 1981.

Tons pour un on chacun pour soi: promesses et limites de la

cooperation regionale en matiere de securite      Fortmann, Mi

chel; MacFarlane. S. Neil; Roussel, Stephane.   - Quebec, QC:

Institut quebecois des hautes etudes Internationales. 1996. 375 p.

Towards a rapid reaction capability for the United Nations =

Les   operations  de  paix   de   I'ONU:   vers   une   capacite   de

reaction rapide: report of the Government of Canada = rap

port chi Gouvemement clu Canada      Ministry of Foreign Af

fairs; DND.       Ottawa: Govt Canada, 1995. [164] p.

Transitions geopolitiqties sur ie continent europeen:  mutati

ons dans Tisthrne mer Baltique       mer Noire       Foucher, Mi

chel, ed.        Paris,  France: Fonelation pour les etudes de de

fense, 1998. 224 p.

Fruit d'enquetes de terrain et. de nombreux contacts, cette etude des perceptions nationaies de quelqties pays de Tare de 1'Euro-pe or i en tale offre an lecteur un regard nouveau qui elargit et ap-profondit la reflexion et la connaissance a propos de ces pays. Sont analyses les points de vue dc la Pologne, la Bielorussie, i'Ukraine, la Repubiiquc Moldova, la Roumanie. la Turquie. Tons ces pays portent, pour des raisons bien different.es, un ijiteret a la CEI et, done a la Rtissie incontournabie et sont, par ailleurs, fortement attires par I'Union europeenne el 1'OTAN. C'est cette imbrication des interets qui est tort bien montree ici. Get «es-

pace de i'indesision* on lejeu influences concurrentes est disablement ouvert, clonne a cet entre-deux-rners tine importance accme dans les relations est-ouest.

255. Triumph of the lack of will: international diplomacy and the Yugoslav War CJow, James. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1997. 343 p.

25(). True north-not strong and free: defending the peaceable kingdom in the nuclear age Newman, Peter C. TO: Penguin, 1983,

257. Turkey's Kurdish question       Barkey,  Henri J.; Fuller, Graham E.   ,    Carnegie Corporation of New York.        Lanham, MI): Rowman and Littlefiekk 1998- xix, 239 p. Based on extensive study, interviews with Kurds and Turks, and a long familiarity with Turkey this a pGlicy book with the mass of information and analysis directly geared to finding a better approach to the issue. Unfortunately, no good statistical basis exists for analyzing Kurdish matters, or tor generalizing about the views of Turkey's far-flung Kurdish populations. The authors call for a solution  «within current borders* that infer alia (!) effectively establishes a legal Kurdish identity, (2) radically reduces and alters the current military approach in the southeast, (3) protects rather than harasses or bans Kurdish political parties, (4) allows Kurds education in their own language, and (5) decentralizes the administration of the state. They call for a dialogue, as inclusive as possible, with Kurds of differing political views and from  various backgrounds.  A  basic  requirement,  in their view, is greater democracy and openness in Turkey, a prescription that in any case would serve Turkey's ultimate interests. Such a proposal as greater government decentralization is also important for Turkey regardless of its impact on the Kurdish issue. The entire Kurdish question is deemed of a particular interest as it presents a range of issues with considerable generic applicability to conflict situations in the rest of the world. 258. Two NATO allies at  the threshold of war:   Cyprus,  a  firsthand   account   of  crisis   management,    1965—1968         Hart. Parker T.       LONDON: Duke U Pr, 1990.

(Bibliography and references)

U.S.    national    security    policy   and   strategy,    198/-1994:

documents and policy proposals /   Vitas, Robert A. ed.: Wil

liams, John Alien ed.;  Sarkesian,  Sam C.        foreword.

Westporl: Greenwood Pr, 1996.

Ukraine and european security: international mechanisms as

non-military   security   options   for   the   Ukraine         Lupiy.

Bohdan.       Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1996. 122 p.

UN peacekeeping, American politics and the uncivil wars of

the 1990s       Durch. William J.       New York. NY: St. Mar

tin's Press, 1996.

United States Security Strategy for Europe and NATO /  Of

fice of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Se

curity Affairs)-US Defense Department.       Washington. DC:

US Defense Department, 01 June 1995.

Verification  1996: arms control, peacekeeping and the envi

ronment      Poole, J.B. ed.; Outline, R. ed.        Boulder. CO:

Westview Press. 1996.

Verification of disarmament or limitation of armaments:  in

struments,   negotiations,   proposals         Sur,   Serge,   ed.

UNIDIR   (United  Nations   Institute   for   Disarmament   Re

search)              New   York,   NY:   United   Nations,    1992.   xv,

26-7 p.

Violations of the Helsinki accords: August  1983        Septem

ber 1984  -   Helsinki Watch.       New York, NY: US Helsinki

Watch Committee, 1984.

War and peace in the former Yugoslavia / de Rossanet, Ber-

trand.         The   Hague,   Netherlands:   Kluwer   Law   Interna

tional. 1997. v, 189 p.

War without  battles:  Canada's NATO brigade in Germany,

1951-1993:   Canada's   NATO   brigade   in   Germany,    1951-

1993         Maloney,   Sean.              Toronto,   ON:   McGraw-Hill,

1997. 525 p.

War without  battles ~ Au coenr d'une guerre sans combat:

Canada's NATO brigade in Germany, 1951-1993 = la brigade

Canadienne de 1'OTAN en Allcmagne 1951-1993       Maloney,

Sean,       Toronto. ON: McGraw-Hill, 1997. c.lE: 525 p.

269.              Wen at fifty ,    Lenzi, Guido, eel.       Paris, France: Institute

for Security Studies of Western European Union, 1998. x, 135 p.

270.              When cultures collide: managing successfully across cultures ,

Lewis, Richard D.      LONDON:" Nicholas Brealey, 1996. 332 p.

The author provides a global and practical guide to working and communicating across cultures, explaining how our own culture and language affect the ways in which we organize our world, think, feel and respond, before going on to suggest both general and specific ways of making influences felt across the cultural divide.

Woodcock A. A Conflict Structure Code for Conflict Defini

tion and Resolution //   The Cormvalls Group II: Analysis

for and of the Resolution of Conflict. The Lester B. Pearson

Canadian Int. Peacekeeping Training Centre, 1.998.

Woodcock A., Davis D. Analytical Approaches to the Study

of Future Conflict // The Cormvails Group II: Analysis for

and of the Resolution of Conflict. The Lester B. Pearson Ca

nadian Int. Peacekeeping Training Centre, 1996.

Words and occasions: An anthology of speeches and articles

selected from his papers by the Right Honourable L. B. Pear

son  / Pearson, Lester B.       Toronto, ON: University of To

ronto Press, The, 1970. xiv, 296 p.

World disasters  report  /   International.   Federation of  Red

Cross and  Red Crescent Societies.     -  New York. NY:  OX

FORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1999; 1998; 1997; 1996.

This report brings together the latest trends, facts and analysis of contemporary catastrophes and their effect on vulnerable millions worldwide. An indispensable information source and reference work for those searching for strategies and tactics in the face of disaster.

World population growth and movement:  towards the 21st

century /  Shenstone.  Michael.         [Ottawa]  Dept.  Foreign

Affairs, 1997. 66 p.

Zartinan I.   William.   Introduction in the 50% Solution, ed.

l.W. Zartman, Garden City, 1976.

<< |
Источник: Барановский Е.Г., Владиславлева Н.Н.. Методы анализа международных конфликтов. — М: Научная книга.2002. — 240 с.. 2002


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